**This page is a work in progress**

Here are the most frequently asked questions in Boone County. Hit "ctrl f" to seach the page for your question.

Can't find the answer to your questionor prefer to talk to a person? Give us a call at 815-544-0371 and one of our clerk's would be happy to answer your question to the best of their ability.

Need answers to legal questions?
Call or text Illinois Court Help line at (833) 411-1121
or visit them at www.ilcourthelp.gov

¡Su sitio web también está en español!

Credit Collection Partners or Paycourt, as they are now called, is the collection company we use for old outstanding fines. When a case is left with a balance, it gets sent to collections. When a case is sent to collections, we add 30% to the total balance. There are a few different ways you can handle this.

1. You can call Paycourt directly or go to their website to make a payment. The paycourt staff will help you set up a payment plan that works best for you. Any payment you make to Paycourt will be reflected on your account in Boone County. If you are looking your case up on Judici.com, please give it up to 2 weeks for that payment to be processed and reflected in our system.

2. You can make payments to the court directly. Any payment you make at the courthouse will be reflected on your Paycourt balance once they get notified of it. This can sometimes take a few days to a week. Please see our "Payments" page accesible from our home page.  

If you have any additional questions you can always contact the court at 815-544-0371 or you can contact Paycourt at 217-284-4117 or 800-331-9772. You can always email them at info@paycourt.com or text them at 22804.
Please see our "Payments" page for all the information on how to make a payment.
Visit this page on our website for all the information about traffic tickets and what to do next.
If you are on a payment plan and you missed your due date, there are a 2 things that can happen. 

1. If this is your first missed payment, you will be mailed a delinquency notice. This notice will explain that you have to make the payment you missed and your next payment but your next due date. 
- Example: If you are paying $25.00 a month and you miss January's due date, you will owe $50.00 by February's due date. 

If this is your 2nd missed payment in a row, then your case will be sent to collections and 30% will be added onto the total balance. Please see our FAQ question regarding collections or call the courthouse at 815-544-0371 for more information.