Please have your case number or citation number ready prior to making your payment.
Delinquent Accounts: If you have received a notice from the collection agency of Credit Collection Partners and you have further questions you can contact that agency at 1(800) 331-9772.
If you have received a notice of withholding from the state of Illinois Local Dept Recovery Program and you have further questions regarding the debt you can contact the Circuit Clerk's office at 1(815) 547-6886.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: For minor tickets marked "no court appearance required"Fines, Penalties, Assessments, and Costs IF YOU ENTER A GUILTY PLEA AND PAY BY THE DATE ON YOUR CITATION
The amount of payment for offenses where Court appearances are not required is:
(a) 164.00 for any violation under the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/1 et seq.)
defined as a minor traffic offense pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 501(f), except (b)
(b) 260.00 plus the minimum fine set by statute for truck overweight and permit
violations under 3-401(d), 15-Ill, 15-1 13.1, 15-113.2 or 15-113.3 of the Illinois Vehicle
Code (625 ILCS 5/3-401(d), 15-111, 15-113.1, 15-113.2 or 15-113.3):
(c) 195.00 for any violation defined as a Conservation Offense under Supreme Court
Rule 501(c) for which civil penalties are not required.
If you do not satisfy the charge(s) against you prior to the date set for your appearance or any date to which the case is continued, you do not submit a written plea of guilty to the clerk at least (3) days before that date, and you fail to answer the charge(s) or appear in court when required, you thereby consent to the entry of a judgment of conviction against you in the amount of the statutory fine, plus the assessment in the applicable schedule for the charged offense as provided in the Criminal and Traffic Assessment Act (705 ILCS 135/1 et seq.). The total amount assessed may be greater than the amount assessed on a guilty plea, as discussed above. Any cash bail or other security you have deposited will be applied toward payment.
Judici E-Plea - For Minor tickets marked "no court appearance" required.
Judici E-Pay - For closed cases with outstanding balance.
PHONE 1(855) 436-6813 NOTE: If you are paying your ticket by phone, you must provide us with your guilty plea and traffic school form if applicable, as stated above, by the date due on your ticket.
Boone County Circuit Clerk's Office
601 N. Main St
Belvidere, IL 61008
ONLINEFor closed cases with outstanding balances
PHONE 1(855) 436-6813
Boone County Circuit Clerk's Office
601 N. Main St
Belvidere, IL 61008
Criminal/Traffic filing fees, copy fees, $36 annual support feePHONE 1(855) 436-6813
Boone County Circuit Clerk's Office
601 N. Main St
Belvidere, IL 61008